Getting a massage when you pull up sore after training or wake up with a stiff neck can be really helpful, but did you know about these other benefits of massage?
- Reduced stress and help managing anxiety - massage lowers the body's production of the stress hormone cortisol.
- Assists in managing high blood pressure - massage results in decreased levels of the hormone arginine-vasopressin which increases blood pressure.
- Improved immune function - massage reduces the levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 & IL-10.
- Improved autonomic nervous system regulation - massage increases Heart Rate Variability (HRV), indicating parasympathetic nervous system drive (rest and recovery state).
- Assists in managing chronic pain - Massage reduces systemic sensitivity and may allow for increased activity.
- May assist in mood management - Massage increases serotonin production.
To feel the full systemic benefits of massage, not just symptom relief, we recommend regular massage in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, that's why we created the AirSpace Massage Club! You can read more about the club here.