Marie Martin

Marie Martin


- Full dragon pistol squat (with touch down since 2021)
- 2021 Perth Fringe World Festival performer/producer (aerial hoop, pole, dance&physical theatre)

- 2017 Perth Spartan Race Super Open finisher

- 2017 Joondalup half marathon finisher

- ski slalom/speed competition level (bronze flèche passed at age 10)


- Remedial Massage diploma (December 2020)
- Certificate 3 and 4 in Fitness (December 2017)
+ following short courses:
- RumbleFIT (boxing) level 1
- Stretch foundations level 1
- Suspension (TRX) level1
- Kettlebell level1
- Strength for Life (June 2021)

- BodyBalance Instructor (July 2019)

- HIITSTEP instructor (April 2018)

About Coach

Growing up (in France), I did 2 years of ballet, 2 years of hip-hop dance, and then 3 years of karate as a teen. From age 3 to 21, I also went skiing every Winter. In my 20’s, (in Japan), I continued taking dance classes (all genres, several times a week) which was a great aerobic activity of course, but mainly developed my body awareness and coordination, maintained my flexibility, while having hips of fun! <br /> <br /> At age 28, I discovered pole dance and I got hooked, literally! I started to see my body changing and it made me want to maintain my strength and improve my flexibility in between sessions. The gym was never really my thing, so luckily I met people organising outdoor boot camps and calisthenics/parkour sessions, among other sporty activities, and those were the happiest moments of my week! My athleticism increased greatly and fast. I was such a passionate beginner! Luckily This passion carried on as I moved to Perth: as I continued my bodyweight journey and met very knowledgeable coaches along the way who kept me progressing towards old and new goals, I enrolled in a ‘fitness course’ because I knew it was what I wanted to be: the inspiring, uplifting, motivating trainer!

Turning Point

The turning point was learning how to invert on the pole. Let me introduce you to my biggest enemy: Fear. I might look strong, but I am easily scared. I am a ‘slow’ or ‘gradual learner. I need to perform movements step by step to give my body the confidence that it is safe, instead of throwing myself into it (so I feel extremely challenged with gymnastics style tricks involving flipping, or some obstacle courses when big jumps to catch on something are involved, but when I do succeed at those, it is a guaranteed euphoria!).<br /> It took me 3 times as long as most students to get upside down on the pole, and so much frustration along the way, wanting to give up…. There was nothing wrong with what I was doing, I was just not committing. With each attempt, I was building more strength and control, and working at the same time on my handstand and headstand gave me the confidence that being upside down was fine. Once I got it, I started to invert everywhere. I was invincible! And how had it seemed ‘impossible’ this whole time?? Fear is such a big obstacle, but it is sometimes there for a reason. Defeating it does not always mean ignoring it: it is learning to know the unknown, building trust in yourself, and it might take time and effort, but it is so worth it.

Motivation & Passion

I like how empowered people feel when they do something they never imagined they could ever do. I like to see my coachees ‘unlocking’ movements, whether it is because they have built the strength or the confidence. I like to be the motivator because some people do not know what they are capable of until they are taught, pushed, or simply told to do it. To see them succeed and progress is the most rewarding feeling as a coach.

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